On 6th March 2021, my Twitter account was hacked. The hackers deleted all the 35,000 accounts I was following. They also deleted three and a half years’ worth of my tweets.
I couldn’t get the deleted tweets back on Twitter. However, the NHS Horizons team had copies of all the tweets and I’ve analysed them. For 100 days, I’m posting the 100 tweets that people liked the most from amongst the deleted tweets. I am posting them in reverse order, ending with the most popular. I will add them to this page as I post them. You can also find them on Twitter with the hashtag #100RepeatTweets
Helen Bevan
Always start team meetings (virtual or face to face) with a person by person check in. We get better outcomes as it helps everyone feel included. Check in should be scheduled on the agenda & regarded as important as any other agenda item. #100RepeatTweets no.29. Graphic @kwiens62 pic.twitter.com/McDr0zFkYy
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 20, 2021
There might be some return to the office soon but virtual isn't going away. When virtual, we can't read emotions or reactions like we can face to face & it's so easy to misinterpret others. This @Oatmeal cartoon made me LOL but it shows why effort's needed. #100RepeatTweets no.30 pic.twitter.com/fkJPrjax7H
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 11, 2021
If you work creatively (design learning, write or code etc) & you struggle to manage your time working in a large organisation, it may be because you're a "maker" & you find yourself working to a "manager" schedule: https://t.co/F93HB4qTAJ V @sketchplanator #100RepeatTweets no.31 pic.twitter.com/0jSiLuosfU
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 10, 2021
The secret to leading organisational change is empathy. As leaders we can help everyone feel like an active participant in change, seeking perspectives & fears about change & addressing them openly: https://t.co/mfNFfICNQ0 via @gcorous graphic: @impactwales #100repeattweets no.32 pic.twitter.com/4LGbh5E1vT
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 7, 2021
Researchers at MIT have questioned whether SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound) actually work. They suggest we might get better outcomes if we make our goals FAST not SMART: https://t.co/farCRXP7QH Via @mitsmr @Haypsych #100RepeatTweets no. 33 pic.twitter.com/rncqnFSqJQ
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 6, 2021
My mum Beryl Bevan was a NHS Domestic Assistant for 30 years. It's my 31st year working for the NHS. I'm proud to be part of a family tradition working for our national treasure. Happy 73rd birthday NHS. Here's to many, many more NHS birthdays #NHSBirthday #100RepeatTweets no.34 pic.twitter.com/ssEj6K3s5A
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 5, 2021
Just because someone is high up on the organisational ladder doesn't make them influential. If it did, top-down change projects would always succeed. There are other factors that create influence far more than status does https://t.co/Fi0Z7lsbB0 By @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no.35 pic.twitter.com/5KzwmByvfd
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 4, 2021
We sometimes hold people who aspire to senior leadership roles in higher esteem than those who don't. Here are 25 talents to be honoured & celebrated, often shown by colleagues who might not aspire to be senior leaders https://t.co/h5Gs9jEiqo By @KateNasser #100RepeatTweets no.36 pic.twitter.com/6ysahxWmIe
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) July 3, 2021
Even as we return to a working life with more face to face, virtual meeting & workshops are here to stay. Having session chairs or leads who are skilled in virtual facilitation makes such a difference. Top tips from @KrystynaGadd: https://t.co/eNLaTFakUN #100RepeatTweets no.37 pic.twitter.com/n0QhORY68z
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 30, 2021
A common challenge in collaborative work like system leadership is that leaders want to dive straight into action so they shortcut the foundational work of connecting, aligning work & learning together. Big mistake: https://t.co/1sEOwhBDAD @ndcollaborative #100RepeatTweets no.38 pic.twitter.com/jIkZU1PsY1
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 28, 2021
#100RepeatTweets no.39 was a graphic by @Haypsych on the need for downtime, originally posted in May 2020. The last year has shown the importance of this advice & there have been interesting new posts on why we find it so hard to do downtime: https://t.co/TtdqEwAazg Via @mnthomas pic.twitter.com/4QU9FQMbTB
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 27, 2021
Psychological research has identified three emotions that make teams more successful & collectively resilient: 1) gratitude; 2) compassion; 3) pride. They're powerful as they make us more willing to cooperate with & invest in others: https://t.co/Fan8uAVRUq #100RepeatTweets no.40
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 26, 2021
Warmth is a much-needed but often underestimated trait in leaders. A study of 50,000 leaders found their overall leadership effectiveness was predicted more by their warmth than by their competence: https://t.co/4KKDfagcmz Via @KelloggSchool @sherrillknezel #100RepeatTweets no.41 pic.twitter.com/aaxqO4rgWC
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 24, 2021
A virtual toolbox of 100+ practical tools you can use to build creative collaboration & unleash the potential of people in your team or organisation. You can view them by category, time or group size. Fabulous & free! https://t.co/9pt1EPXLsq By @hyperisland #100RepeatTweets no.42 pic.twitter.com/MM4cRvuTJv
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 23, 2021
Currently, our organisations need rebels, heretics & mavericks to help light the way to change more than ever. To be inspired by an outstanding group of rebels, read the story of the NASA "pirates" group: https://t.co/Xn16GMLlBa Could you be a pirate too? #100RepeatTweets no.43 pic.twitter.com/MyQYSE3QfP
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 22, 2021
Why expressing emotion should be core to our work culture. When we feel supported & motivated, we're happier, more productive & stay in jobs. When bosses respond to mistakes with patience instead of fury, we trust them more: https://t.co/0dnabDi7oC By @ideo #100RepeatTweets no.44 pic.twitter.com/hRx9gIrun8
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 21, 2021
Three reasons why we might want to retire the title "manager": 1) No one really wants to be "managed" anymore; 2) No one wants to "manage" others anymore; 3) "Manager" fails to capture the work people need to do now: https://t.co/7qqMxSlKrD Via @stratandbiz #100RepeatTweets no.45
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 18, 2021
The organisations with the best experiences/outcomes of change are typically those with a culture of learning: where everyone can try new things, maybe fail & feel supported & respected. It needs psychological safety: https://t.co/3VhH4WbDe9 By @AdamMGrant #100RepeatTweets no.46 pic.twitter.com/qxwaY52tcd
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 17, 2021
So many people are stuck in hierarchical "parent-child" relationships at work. Even organisations big on staff engagement are often highly parental; just caring, not coercive parents. We need more "adult-adult": https://t.co/ow89NdAdFT By @disruptandlearn #100RepeatTweets no.47 pic.twitter.com/PVnFfFS7YH
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 16, 2021
You can show people data but if it doesn't fit their worldview, they may ignore/deny it. This fate befalls change projects too: situations perceived as a threat to the status quo can trigger inflexible thinking & a desire for closure https://t.co/tnraN0AJ4p #100RepeatTweets no.48
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 14, 2021
How to be trusted: 1) Walk the talk 2) Keep commitments 3) Behave consistently 4) Don't misrepresent the truth 5) Don't withhold information 6) Don't gossip 7) Don't throw others under the bus 8) Keep confidences 9) Support others https://t.co/UcCygVpJPy #100RepeatTweets no. 49 pic.twitter.com/ARzpDbJgn5
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 13, 2021
John Kotter's book "Leading Change" introduced us to the 8 steps model (the best known/used model for planning & leading change globally) 23 years ago. @KotterInc has updated it for a covid world. You can download the eBook for free: https://t.co/NndGL9MQdz #100RepeatTweets no.50 pic.twitter.com/EnTBoNj6RV
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 12, 2021
A fixed mindset means you think that you're stuck with the intelligence level & talent you're born with. A growth mindset means you think everyone can develop their abilities, through effort & learning. Here's an ABC of growth mindset self talk by @kwiens62 #100RepeatTweets no.51 pic.twitter.com/xqw7WJoSy0
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 11, 2021
It is common for improvement or transformation plans to use the language of "driving" change through the organisation or system. If we want large-scale, sustainable change, we need to grow it, not drive it. Graphic via @MilFamLN #100RepeatTweets no.52 #Quality2021 pic.twitter.com/waCCZlUlu8
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 10, 2021
Creating the conditions for happiness around us, amidst the uncertainties & ambiguities of daily life, is a significant act of leadership for ourselves & others. Especially relevant at this point in the pandemic: https://t.co/kjemwrPQa4 Great work @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no. 53 pic.twitter.com/oHq9nJBlHE
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 8, 2021
What are the qualities of a great leader? A simple but powerful sketchnote by @Haypsych. Hayley first posted this more than three years ago. When we reflect on the leadership response to the pandemic, we can see these qualities are more important than ever. #100RepeatTweets no.54 pic.twitter.com/zBj4s4adec
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 6, 2021
Sir Liam Donaldson, pioneer of patient safety & colleagues have made the Textbook of Patient Safety & Clinical Risk Management fully downloadable & free. The content is outstanding, written by leading practitioners globally https://t.co/joxXNSmeHz V @PIPSQC #100RepeatTweets no.55 pic.twitter.com/k6UjccWAw9
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 5, 2021
Over the past 15 months, we've been navigating the same storm but we're all in different boats, in terms of how we experienced the storm, obstacles, power & opportunities. We have to listen to others & show compassion & understanding. Graphic @woodard_julie #100RepeatTweets no.56 pic.twitter.com/eDDebkbAg0
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 3, 2021
Five elements of good meeting facilitation. Effective facilitation is as key for virtual meetings as for face to face. Sketchnote from @Haypsych: an excellent summary of "The surprising science of meetings" by Steven G. Rogelberg: https://t.co/0AVNGD6PgA #100RepeatTweets no. 57 pic.twitter.com/9HLUHNKZto
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 2, 2021
Our leadership behaviours increase the dangers of burnout for our teams. Circumstances may force us into red leadership – which risks the wellbeing of our teams. Green leadership leads to well-functioning teams. By psychologist & HR/OD leader @SonyaWallbank #100RepeatTweets no.58 pic.twitter.com/3A6V6DuybL
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) June 1, 2021
When it comes to Twitter, our people are the voice of our organisations. Our data shows NHS people are often 10x more influential on Twitter than corporate accounts. Make your people your social media champions rather than restrict their use of it at work. #100RepeatTweets no.59 pic.twitter.com/jeHUO4WHxz
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 31, 2021
I'm often asked "what's the most important thing to do to start change happening?" It's this. Data & planning are key, but we have to start by connecting to values through emotions. That's why leaders need to be storytellers. TY @gcouros @sylviaduckworth. #100RepeatTweets no.60 pic.twitter.com/Fvs5cX6WPB
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 30, 2021
#100RepeatTweets no.61 was a graphic by @sherrillknezel. I swopped it for this one as it spoke to me so strongly. What does it look like to embrace goals that are big enough? When we take our purpose to a higher level & build shared goals with others to achieve it, magic happens. pic.twitter.com/Q40XEpAWSX
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 29, 2021
As we evolve towards new ways of working, eg, some team members may be face to face & others virtual, how do we meet the fundamental human needs of everyone? How do we build trust, hope, sense of worth & competence into the team's daily work? Image: @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no.62 pic.twitter.com/HBlV5OS7an
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 28, 2021
Research-based advice for leaders on building a growth mindset: 1) recognise & reward potential more than skills; 2) build high levels of trust in teams; 3) take people outside their comfort zone: https://t.co/CpSKrza1w0 By @nadine_c_page Art @woodard_julie #100Repeattweets no.63 pic.twitter.com/B6JNQzKrJt
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 27, 2021
The 70:20:10 innovation rule. Spend:
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 26, 2021
70% of time improving what you already do
20% applying what you're good at to other contexts
10% finding new problems to solve
The 10% is the most neglected but creates the future: https://t.co/oIpl6MSi11 V @Digitaltonto #100RepeatTweets no.64 pic.twitter.com/lYhUTdUtSO
At this strange time that isn't quite post-pandemic, everyone seems so busy, emotions are amplified & remote working continues to blunt connection. Now, more than ever, we need to harness the power of emotions at work https://t.co/4H2hqhR1mr V @lizandmollie #100RepeatTweets no.65 pic.twitter.com/3QgW60OZG4
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 25, 2021
People want to be treated like people. They don't want to be treated like workers or employees or human resources or widgets. Treat people like people & everyone benefits. 12 ways to do this by @wallybock https://t.co/ewfAr3YuL7 #100RepeatTweets no. 66 pic.twitter.com/xcdjheXytS
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 24, 2021
Too often, large scale change is seen as strategy & tactics by senior leaders, but no small group can drive change alone. It's why organisations with strong, trusting relationships are more likely to deliver transformational change: https://t.co/IL8r0cL996 #100RepeatTweets no.67 pic.twitter.com/DG0d054f1z
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 23, 2021
Leaders often talk about "top-down" & "bottom-up" change. In reality, it's more of a horizontal (alongside) than vertical (up or down) process. Change spreads person-to-person, side-by-side, through social connections: https://t.co/hb2w86ymnG @Digitaltonto #100RepeatTweets no.68
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 22, 2021
As we move to a world beyond the pandemic, many things are changing in our lives & our work and may never been the same again. It's not just our organisations & systems that need to grow from change. We need to as well. Some great advice from @woodard_julie #100RepeatTweets no.69 pic.twitter.com/lUEQMbi3eW
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 21, 2021
We should embrace and support the mavericks, rebels, heretics & renegades in our organisations. Rather than being difficult troublemakers, they may just be the brilliant people who can shift us into a different future https://t.co/Xn16GMtKcA Via @mitsloan #100RepeatTweets no. 70 pic.twitter.com/39yBjuoFkR
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 20, 2021
Many colleagues say they can't make even small improvements at work as they "don't have permission". Yet research shows leaders favour team members who show "self-initiation" & "change orientation": https://t.co/63ZbBjJfOg Have a go at improving things! #100RepeatTweets no.71 pic.twitter.com/P7IkPzkcT8
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 19, 2021
We are all tired after 14 months of disruption caused by the pandemic. We just need to avoid being the kind of leaders who regard fatigue as a badge of honour. High performing leadership is built on rest: https://t.co/WfhXrN58bn by @Leadershipfreak #100RepeatTweets no.72 pic.twitter.com/mvl2Uuwdwv
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 18, 2021
The NHS is moving to a "systems" mindset (rather than single organisations/silos) so we can better support people in their health & care. We must role model "systems" in how we think & behave as leaders: https://t.co/8hhfUbTPsE @anosikec @SocialChangeAg #100RepeatTweets no. 73 pic.twitter.com/uAbDO33Ntj
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 17, 2021
A field guide to procrastinators. What kind of procrastinator are you? This could be used at the beginning of a virtual team meeting as a check in/energiser activity. Via @20px @ImpactWales #100RepeatTweets no. 74 pic.twitter.com/Dx6BGZ5ws8
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 17, 2021
When we answer "YES, BUT", we close down discussion & possibility – we make others think their ideas are dismissed. If we use "YES, AND", we can build on the ideas & open ourselves up to being changed https://t.co/91Q5RGkXn6 V @robintransition @PaulKGoddard #100RepeatTweets no.75 pic.twitter.com/Gpxuqfn5gN
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 15, 2021
If there's one thing we've learnt about leadership since #COVID19 hit, it's the importance of the "soft stuff". Why leadership humility is going to work a lot better than arrogance in the future: https://t.co/hc3y0vUD75 V @BenRenshaw @AmyCEdmondson @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no. 76 pic.twitter.com/dn6RmZKEhW
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 14, 2021
Many of us are familiar with the "innovation distribution curve" on how new ways of working spread. But those of us involved in organisational change efforts sometimes feel that word "chasm" doesn't quite explain the challenges we are facing… By @voinonen #100RepeatTweets no.77 pic.twitter.com/94FDC3clNs
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 13, 2021
We're moving to an era where change is increasingly happening across systems/boundaries. It means that skills for collaboration are becoming core skills for change. See this helpful toolkit from @theQCommunity: https://t.co/LBjZa3AZFw Thanks @mountfordjames #100RepeatTweets no.78 pic.twitter.com/2WUMThDLbV
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 12, 2021
Creating a culture of gratitude: giving someone a complement or expression of gratitude has a mood-lifting effect & boosts wellbeing. Also, complement-givers underestimate the very positive impact they have: https://t.co/iD2vgM8FOG V @HarvardBiz @gapingvoid #100RepeatTweets no.79 pic.twitter.com/KQAKSS6dK5
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 11, 2021
If we want to be kind & compassionate in tough times, we need a culture of empathy. Empathy means starting from a place of understanding of how others are feeling & applies whether we're working virtually or face to face. TY @4OClockFaculty @ImpactWales #100RepeatTweets no. 80 pic.twitter.com/lrd6OEM2Cn
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 10, 2021
The top ten list of leadership requirements for the future. These won't gain traction unless they're supported/enabled by a leadership mindset to help new behaviours become the norm. The most important factor is trust: https://t.co/Pa9rzXiGXg By @Doug_Ready #100RepeatTweets no.81 pic.twitter.com/SpTxEXIWnu
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 9, 2021
Your leadership behaviour: Are you a multiplier or a diminisher? Multipliers bring out the best in those around them & help them to grow. Diminishers are smart people who don't help others around them to become as smart: https://t.co/pVV8TPn5DA By @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no.82 pic.twitter.com/Y1f3fpmLo3
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 8, 2021
Gallup data shows fully remote workers are experiencing more burnout than those on-site. Researchers suggest that the pandemic might be the greatest threat to team connectedness ever seen. Time for radical action says @PaulBromfordhttps://t.co/4po0FqgV5L #100RepeatTweets no. 83 pic.twitter.com/KTmZcCZcLm
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 7, 2021
#100RepeatTweets no.84, the first of several on the list by the brilliant @SonyaWallbank. Our leadership behaviour can increase the risk of burnout for our teams. Sometimes circumstances force us to be red leaders but green leadership gives us better functioning, supportive teams pic.twitter.com/zZZ7yGGUy9
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 6, 2021
Research shows when we express thanks to another person, it doesn't just impact on that 1-to-1relationship but can have a ripple effect on a whole team or community. Now, more than ever, we must spread the ripple: https://t.co/fLl5JXdZA5. Via @GreaterGoodSC #100RepeatTweets no.85 pic.twitter.com/dW78j1Jsev
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 5, 2021
The pandemic experience has shown the importance of compassionate leadership. We need to move to "wise compassion", based on leadership competence, deep understanding of what motivates people & leading others to achieve priorities: https://t.co/IWMkadottf #100RepeatTweets no. 86 pic.twitter.com/PrRpelBioE
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 4, 2021
#100RepeatTweets no. 87. It's my fav Twitter psychologist @Haypsych again! The same sketchnote was in the top 100 twice so I've swopped it for another excellent one. What should managers & leaders do to build psychological safety in their teams? Based on wisdom of @AmyCEdmondson pic.twitter.com/Ps687AkzcT
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 3, 2021
If we want deeply engaged people across our organisations, we need to unleash the most important factor in building the culture we want: our managers. If our managers aren't engaged, the rest of our people won't be either: https://t.co/kZxlSZESO1 #100RepeatTweets no. 88 #ProjectM pic.twitter.com/Aiwwi87rjb
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 2, 2021
No. 89 of my #100RepeatTweets is from the brilliant @Haypsych again. It's her blog in support of middle managers who are some of the most effective (& underrated) change agents in our organisations & systems: https://t.co/juQ4s9GBKw I paired it with a relevant Hayley sketchnote. pic.twitter.com/Eg4QBLQNz4
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) May 1, 2021
No. 90 on my list of #100RepeatTweets is by @sylviaduckworth (also no.91). Self care is one of the least selfish things we can do at this time of challenge/transition. When we take care of ourselves in multiple dimensions, we create our best state for being able to support others pic.twitter.com/gPAMoZR9ij
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 30, 2021
No. 91 on my list of #100RepeatTweets is by @sylviaduckworth. Sylvia is such an impactful artist. I swopped the graphic to this one on listening as it's so important in our virtual world. Why not use this to give feedback to others on your Zoom/Teams call? Words: @holidayphillips pic.twitter.com/8JiXyU52pZ
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 29, 2021
Why does "empowerment" make me feel uncomfortable? Leaders seek to empower patients/frontline people but too often, it gets done to people, on the leader's terms, not through co-production. Empowerment reinforces the imbalance of power more than reduces it #100RepeatTweets no.92 pic.twitter.com/MZgS4LXN1g
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 28, 2021
As an extrovert, I find hours of virtual meetings each day exhausting. I thought solitude was easier for introverts but it turns out I was wrong. Lockdown has shown we need to rethink introvert vs.extrovert differences: https://t.co/iSeuctjSxS V @AdamMGrant #100RepeatTweets no.93 pic.twitter.com/gaEnXUw2kl
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 27, 2021
I'd say @Haypsych is likely my favourite psychologist on Twitter. She posts such interesting, accessible content. Hayley was at no. 94 of my 100 most liked tweets that got hacked, but I liked this graphic on "trends of progressive workplaces" more so I swopped it #100RepeatTweets pic.twitter.com/SdATq3P8Uo
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 26, 2021
Are you exhausted at the end of a long day of constant meetings by Zoom or Teams? Virtual meetings are more draining & tiring than face to face. Here's an explanation for "Zoom fatigue" from neuroscience: https://t.co/7dUjpbjABG #100RepeatTweets no. 95 pic.twitter.com/h1dYx5cwGX
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 25, 2021
A free toolkit: 25 creative problem solving methods. Many of my favourite tools are included. We need these kinds of methods, alongside classic improvement methods, especially for thinking differently beyond covid: https://t.co/vUNbOXaWXA TY @theQCommunity #100RepeatTweets no.96 pic.twitter.com/p8g5FHLQRq
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 24, 2021
Article from @DDIWorld USA on types of unconscious bias at work. Tackling these kinds of biases can elevate our leadership practice, help to create diversity & improve our outcomes: https://t.co/8XjhaiZ1T6 Originally via @JeppeHansgaard. Graphic: @tnvora #100RepeatTweets no.97 pic.twitter.com/GXkPCE3FNV
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 23, 2021
If we want to create a high performing team, we should invest in getting to know what makes our fellow team members tick. Some powerful questions to ask in order to connect at an emotional level & avoid miscommunication: https://t.co/6LzsaYlAvP V @ideo #100RepeatTweets no.98 pic.twitter.com/P9CG6unujl
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 22, 2021
Someone starting a business aged 60 is 3 times as likely to be successful as a 30 year old & 1.7 times as likely to end up in the top 0.1% of all companies. Experience counts more than ideas. We're never too old for career success: https://t.co/lkXUkLTicT #100RepeatTweets no. 99 pic.twitter.com/69Kirc3n3R
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 21, 2021
#100RepeatTweets Day 100: For the next 100 days, I'm reposting the "most liked" of my tweets that got permanently deleted by hackers who stole my Twitter account. I'm starting at number 100 & finishing at number 1 most liked. Here's the link in this tweet: https://t.co/LrXYPO8F4M pic.twitter.com/TQtsdd3pOF
— Helen Bevan (@HelenBevan) April 20, 2021