A Letter to My Daughter on Becoming a Nurse

Originally published by Kate Pound – 3rd September 2020
Dear Eliza
So you have made your decision that a career in nursing it is! I could not be prouder of you than I am today. I know it was a hard choice as we watch the daily news and hear how hard a nurse has to work but I am relieved that you can look beyond these stories and pull on all the good stuff.
As a young child, you were never afraid to care for others. You have lived your life with compassion. I remember you helping Grandad visit the injured fishermen, never questioning why the man smelled and had burns over 70% of his body. Then as a teenager when you cared for your nanny in her last weeks and days of life: you cleaned her mouth, you held her hand and gave her comfort. You cared and you were there for her, you were so brave. You have so much to give to the world of healthcare – you are truly amazing.
I love to see your energy as you talk about where nursing could take you as you think about its possibilities to change how we deliver care to a nation. You are able to see the diversity of nursing from the ward nurse, community care team, policymaker to advanced practitioner and what you could do to help those around you to improve their lives beyond physical health. You will be part of the new generation who are fearless, not afraid to act. Putting right what is wrong and changing the view and the abilities of the nursing for the future. You will be the generation that will bring us hope.
Two years ago you were told as you grow up and think about your future you need to consider three important things:-
- Do something you are good at
- Do something that makes your heart sing
- Do something which will make a difference to others and support society
This was such great advice and it is clear that you have listened, you were also told, ‘dream audacious dreams the sky is not your limit!’ (Robert Thirsk). As you start planning your life as a nurse believe in yourself because nurses are the heartbeat of the health and care system and you can change the world.
Keep dreaming my wonderful future nurse,
Love Mum