Hundreds join first #ProjectA tweet chat

Originally published by Bev Matthews – 21st July 2018
he first of five #ProjectA (for ambulance) tweet chats had hundreds of tweeters coming together and generating 77 ideas for improving ambulance services through partnerships with patients and the public.
Read the ideas from the first #ProjectA tweet chat
The project was initiated by Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of NHS England, after he spent time with ambulance crews in London and the Midlands. Simon identified the potential for frontline ambulance staff to play a much bigger role in innovation, service redesign and problem solving. He has asked the NHS Horizons team to work with the Association of Ambulance Chief Officers (AACE) to develop a year-long initiative that supports and builds on the excellent work that is underway in many parts of the system and builds on the ideas and energy of frontline ambulance staff.
The ambition is to identify at least 4 major change ideas that can be developed, prototyped and implemented by frontline staff across all ten ambulance trusts, in time to start making a difference in winter 2018/19. The whole ethos and approach of #ProjectA is one of co-production and collaborative decision making.
Make your suggestions count too by adding them to the Ideas Platform and join us for the second tweet chat on patient pathways on Thursday 26th July at 7pm by following #ProjectA
Compiled by: Bev Matthews @BevMatthews and Catherine Murrey @CatherineMurre2 of the NHS Horizons team, David Morgan @djmtees of North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and Dan Ralevic @__DanR of East of England Ambulance Service Trust.
We acknowledge the extensive analytical support that Graham MacKenzie @gmacscotland gave us in compiling this report.
“I was not sure of what to expect on a tweet chat, I had the cricket on in the background to start with but after 5 mins I couldn’t keep up with the pace so turned it off! Next time I will have my iPad and iPhone working at the same time. I loved the enthusiasm and the way people connected from different parts of the country, and indeed internationally.” David Morgan, North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust