Improvement Method Olympics Semi Final 2

Posted by: NHS Horizons - Posted on:

1. What matters to you? (method)

Asking “what matters to you” is a simple, yet profound idea for creating deeply personal engagements with patients or service users and their family members. Because patients are the true experts on their own needs and experiences asking, listening and responding to what matters to them is a key feature of person- and family-centred care. Asking “What matters to you?” has a positive impact on quality, safety, and the wellbeing of people who work in health and care.

A global movement has grown up supporting “what matters to you?”. Whilst we should be asking these questions every single day, June 9 is marked as the annual worldwide celebration of “what matters to you?”

Content from What matters to you? The Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Table with ideas for different ways of asking the question "what matters to you"

Source of graphic: British Columbia Patient safety and Quality Council

Additional resources for What matters to you?

The website showing links to the websites of organisations around the world that have championed WMTY implementation. Suggested by @WmtyWorld

Make “What matters to you?” an always event. Lots of WMTY resources. Suggested by @KarenHTurner1

The What matters to you? website, Scotland. Many more resources. Suggested by @LouWaters_QI

The What matters to you? website, British Columbia Patient Safety and Quality Council. Offers a variety of graphics. Suggested by @hchiu4quality

What matters to you? video in English and in Cantonese from New South Wales Health, suggested by @LindaSoars

2. Statistical process control (tool)

Statistical process control (SPC) is an analytical technique that plots data over time. It helps us understand variation and in so doing guides us to take the most appropriate action. SPC is a good technique to use when implementing change as it tracks the impact of improvement interventions and enables you to understand whether changes you are making are resulting in improvement.

Example statistical process control chart from the Improvement Academy, Yorkshire and Humber

Graph showing proportion of patients in hospital at end of month who are male

Read more about statistical process control from NHS England and NHS Improvement

Additional resources for Statistical Process Control

NHS #PlottheDots resources, one and two. suggested by @jem2206

Control chart resources by IHI Open School, suggested by @AndrewBarraclo1

An introduction to the use of control charts by the NHS Institute and NHS South East Coast, suggested by @AndrewBarraclo1

Blogposts on SPC by InspGuilfoyle, one and two, suggested by @MLoebenberg

Join the NHS Making data count workspace group: Suggested by @asmith6