Know How To Lead Yourself To Lead Others
Originally published by Leigh Kendall – 20th March 2018
Hands up who has ever spent time comparing themselves to others? And made a negative comparision? Me too.
We can get too hung up on what people think – of us, of what we are doing, of our motivations for doing things. These self-limiting thoughts can prevent us from from fulfilling our potential – and continually comparing ourselves to others is exhausting.
Seeking to be your best self is brilliant, yes, but don’t get hung up on complex self-improvement plans, or waiting for the ‘perfect’ time to do something (it’s unlikely ever to arrive).
Reflect on how you’ve overcome past challenges, whether in your personal or professional life, and on how far you have come.
Remember that there isn’t a formula for how to manage work or life.
Know that we all have times when we have self-doubt, or get stuck and don’t know in what direction to turn.
I love this sketchnote by Scriberia – often the way to get unstuck and to move forward is to lose your inhibitions, to stop worrying what others think of you, and to try not to worry about always being right.
It’s another reminder to manage our expectations, have the ability to adapt, and to build our resilience – all factors that are crucial when seeking to influence positive change.
In order to effectively lead others (meaning leadership in all its guises, whether formal or informal) we need to be able to lead ourselves.
Catch up with the The School for Change Agents – recordings of all five modules are available to watch.
In the end, improvement comes from knowing our own unique challenges and abilities, not from following pop-culture formulas. It’s about understanding valleys and peaks, comparing ourselves to ourselves, adapting along the way, and staying small while staying big. This is not just advice for your own improvement; it’s a way to lead others. After all, you have to be able to lead yourself before you lead another.