To accompany the School for Change Agent sessions on FutureLearn, we ran three live sessions for School, where we spent time looking at some of the topics that we raise in School. The live sessions were presented by both Helen Bevan and Kathryn Perera.
Session 1 : Tuesday 18 May at 3pm
Content included:
- An introduction to the core principles that the School for Change Agents is based on: Change starts with me
- The change agent of the future (being [behaviours; spheres of influence], seeing [understanding the nature of power], doing [into action])
- Things we can do as agents of change – methods, approaches, tactics
- Understanding levers of agency and power available to us
- We cannot be change agents on our own – individual AND collective agency
Our live sessions will be run on Zoom, where will be using a number of interactive tools as part of the session
View the slides (to download them, click on the ‘IN’ logo at the bottom right. You may need to login to LinkedIn).
Session 2: Tuesday 25 May at 3pm
Content included:
- Creating our shared purpose
- The differences between power, agency and autonomy
- How we build power: relational vs transactional
- Inclusion and belonging: power in an unequal world – belonging and community are part of the “Us”
- Inequalities and social justice
Watch the recording:
View the slides (to download them, click on the ‘IN’ logo at the bottom right. You may need to login to LinkedIn).
Session 3: Tuesday 1 June at 3pm
Our third live session looked at complexity and the future of change agency.
Alternatively, if you are unable to join via Zoom, you can watch the session via YouTube. You can still post comments in the YouTube comments which we will see and include in the main session.
View the slides: