Tweets of the Week 19 August, 2022

Posted by: NHS Horizons - Posted on:

Image of author Ani Majothi
Image of author Ani Majothi

Hello and welcome! I’m Ani from the NHS Horizons team and I’ll be taking you through this edition of Tweets of the Week, your one stop shop to all things on improvement, wellbeing across health and care. We’ll also be sharing updates on the fantastic work our team have been supporting this week.

In this edition of Tweets of the Week we will also be including posts from our other social media platforms LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, as well as Twitter. Be sure to follow our other platforms so that you can keep up to date with our posts! (Tip: to read an article or watch a video mentioned in a post, click on the blue text. To view the original post, click on the image).  

We hope you enjoy, happy reading!


For the past four weeks #SolvingTogether has focussed on crowdsourcing ideas for the new Urgent and Emergency Care strategy. We have had more than 150 brilliant ideas and counting on the platform across the five challenges.

Today (Friday 19 August) is the your last change to contribute towards shaping the strategy before the platform closes to new ideas. Don’t delay, add your idea today! Click here to access the platform and start sharing your thoughts.

Let’s keep #SolvingTogether!💙

Here’s a great idea that @ZoeAbbott83 has posted in response to the ‘Using technology to improve accessibility for people who receive care’ challenge. If you have any ideas or comments on this challenge you can get involved by clicking here.

@NinaJaspalCNP a Cardiac Nurse Practitioner shared a very interesting idea that was posted on the ‘Increasing technology to improve urgent care‘ challenge on #SolvingTogether. It focusses on the use of artificial intelligence to give useful ECG interpretations. What are your thoughts on this idea? Have something to add? Share more of your ideas, comments and votes by clicking here.

Here’s another great idea shared from @ZoeZoerichmond by @LeighAKendall from the Finding the right urgent care service challenge on #SolvingTogether. Keep sharing your #SolvingTogether ideas here before the platform closes today!

100 Day challenge – #Home4Noon

The national health and social care discharge taskforce brings together partners from across health and social care to focus on opportunities to improve discharge. In particular, it aims to improve the outcomes for patients who no longer meet the ‘criteria to reside’ so they can be discharged from hospital, cared for in more appropriate settings, and to release much-needed capacity within acute providers.

Below are the ten best practice #ImprovingDischarge initiatives as part of a 100-day challenge, to support healthcare professionals in their delivery of quality and effective urgent and emergency care, striving to get patients #Home4Noon where it’s safe and appropriate to do so 👇

Click here to find out more.


If your interested in Quality Improvement, you’ll love the August 22 QI Evidence Update that is now live! Click here to access the article.


Do you want to learn more about collaboration? Check out the 5 tips below that @HelenBevan has shared.

Click here to read ‘Covid showed us collaboration is for life, not just for pandemics‘ for more insight on this topic.

On the theme of collaboration, @HelenBevan also shared this useful free ebook to help build teams that thrive using tips for collaboration. Click here to access the ebook to help you understand what healthy collaboration looks like.

Here is a really useful resource for ‘Active Listening’. Find out how you can host deeper connections with the Listening Triangle by clicking here. Simple steps like this can have a huge impact and help to make people feel heard.

Here is a little nugget to keep in mind for some motivation, we all need to remember this at times.

And finally…

A little cheerful inspiration to end the week on…

We do hope you enjoyed this week’s edition! We’ll see you next time!