Improvement Method Olympics Quarter Final 3

Posted by: NHS Horizons - Posted on:

1. What matters to you? (method)

Asking “what matters to you” is a simple, yet profound idea for creating deeply personal engagements with patients or service users and their family members. Because patients are the true experts on their own needs and experiences asking, listening and responding to what matters to them is a key feature of person- and family-centred care. Asking “What matters to you?” has a positive impact on quality, safety, and the wellbeing of people who work in health and care.

A global movement has grown up supporting “what matters to you?”. Whilst we should be asking these questions every single day, June 9 is marked as the annual worldwide celebration of “what matters to you?”

Table with ideas for different ways of asking the question "what matters to you"

Source of graphic: British Columbia Patient safety and Quality Council

See also:

What matters to you? The Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Additional resources for What matters to you?

Make “What matters to you?” an always event. Lots of WMTY resources. Suggested by @KarenHTurner1

The What matters to you? website, Scotland. Many more resources. Suggested by @LouWaters_QI

The What matters to you? website, British Columbia Patient Safety and Quality Council. Offers a variety of graphics. Suggested by @hchiu4quality

What matters to you? video in English and in Cantonese from New South Wales Health, suggested by @LindaSoars

2. Experience-based co-design (method)

Experience-based co-design (EBCD) is a method for people who work at the point of care and service users to work together to co-design services. It is actioned by gathering experiences through observations, interviews, films, group discussions and identifying key emotionally significant points. EBCD focuses on people’s experiences and emotions rather than attitudes and opinions. The approach uses storytelling to identify opportunities for improvement and focuses on the usability of the service for people who both use and provide the service. It gives them power to make changes.

Flow chart with text & arrows. Text reads: setting up - engaging staff and gathering experiences - engaging patients/carers and gathering experiences - co-design meeting - small codesign team - celebration event

Source of graphic: Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS FT

Get the Experience-based co-design toolkit from the Point of Care Foundation:  You have to submit your email address to access the resources.

Additional resources on Experience-based co-design

Experience-based Co-Design: a toolkit for Australia from the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association and the Consumers Healthcare Forum of Australia. Suggested by @PareshDawda and @DimopoulosTara Six tips on co-design (plus links to many other EBCD resources). Suggested by @LynneMaher1

EBCD Resources from Lothian Quality, NHS Lothian. Suggested by @dgmfg

Patients and staff as co-designers of healthcare services, BMJ. Suggested by @gbrgsy

Experience-based co-design: designing the future of hospital services. An interview with Catherine Dale by the Royal College of Physicians

Experience-based co-design: A method for patient and family engagement in system-level quality improvement. Bianca Fucile and colleagues, from the Patient Experience Journal