Nurses and Midwives – Show Pride in Your Profession for the September Perceptions Challenge

Originally published by Bev Matthews – 14th September 2018
As part of the Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery campaign we want you to share your pride and enjoyment of being part of the nursing and midwifery professions.
Let people know who you are and what you do!
For September’s challenge we would like you to add your title and qualification to your email signature and social media bio:

This month’s challenge is all about being proud of your nursing and midwifery achievements, and a focus on how you introduce yourselves. Although this challenge is simpler than the previous ones (after the July blogging and August Break the Rules challenges) we believe that simple actions such as this one can have a great impact.
September’s challenge was launched by Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England at the Health and Innovation Expo 2018. It’s about standing up and being counted, having confidence in your profession and in your abilities - and remembering that no one is JUST a nurse, or JUST a midwife.
As with all the challenges we have structured this one in a way to offer a focus, support and build energy within the community each month. Please do join us in this month’s challenge by adding your title and qualification to your email signature and social media bio.
It’s also about face-to-face interactions too: introducing yourself to a patient helps to build trust and relationships during what can be very stressful and difficult times for the patient.
You will be familiar with the #hellomynameis campaign which was created by the late Dr Kate Granger MBE and her husband, Chris Pointon. The campaign was inspired by Kate’s own experiences with a health care professionals failing to introduce themselves during her time in hospital as a cancer patient.
A great way to generate interest in this month’s challenge is to use a Twibbon as a symbol of your commitment to it. Chris Pointon has kindly agreed for us to use the #HelloMyNameIs Twibbon for this challenge – it’s really easy to add it to your Twitter photo - just follow this link.

Nursing and midwifery colleagues: be proud of your profession, and of everything that you do.
From today I will introduce myself to all patients and colleagues: “Hello my name is Bev and I am a registered nurse”
About the Perceptions Challenges
Twelve 30 day challenges were launched by Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England on 14th May 2018 as part of the Transforming Perceptions of Nursing and Midwifery campaign.
The topic for each monthly challenge derives from the themes in the 10 Building Blocks (pictured below) that were designed by thousands of nurses, midwives and patients through ideas submitted to our crowdsourcing platform. The 12 monthly challenges are all about people working together to help put these building blocks into action.
September’s challenge has come directly from those ideas that were generated on our crowdsourcing site.
Some of the suggestions that led to the formation of this challenge were:
When introducing yourselves use your Nurse/ Midwife title
Adding RN to your name to show your qualification with pride
Set up a Twibbon for social media activity
“Halfway through and already learning how we introduce ourselves as nurses sends a strong message of how we value nurses in our society. Use title “Nurse” (rather than first name only) in introduction just as our medic colleagues use Doctor. In UK need to say Registered Nurse!” Dr Crystal Oldman OBE (via twitter @CrystalOldman) reflecting on reading From Silence to Voice