Socials of the Week 16th January, 2023

Hello and welcome back readers, to another edition of Socials of the week, brought to you by NHS Horizons.
I’m Nina Jaspal, a Clinical Associate at NHS Horizons and a Cardiac Nurse by background. I’m so excited to be back, writing this edition of Socials of the Week, especially as so many of you enjoyed the way we kicked off 2023!
If you’re looking to learn about the latest in improvement, upcoming events and health and care resources, then stay tuned, because its been an exciting week in the world of improvement and I can’t wait to share it all with you!
This edition contains a special announcement from #SolvingTogether, highlights from the Horizons team, and insights from the world of health and care improvement.
So grab a hot cuppa, find a nice spot, enjoy the read and forget about this cold weather! 🥶
Top Tip: To read an article or watch a video mentioned in a post, click on the blue text. To view the original post, click on the image).
This week we saw the launch of new social platforms for #SolvingTogether. 🎉
#SolvingTogether has got its very own community on Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin sharing the latest updates and fascinating insights. To join in and be a part of #SolvingTogether – click and follow!
#SolvingTogether is an approach to capture, assess and test learning and ideas that can support the priorities for health and care; it’s part of a suite of interventions relating to the delivery of transformation led by the Transformation Directorate at NHS England. It is doing this by mobilising the people who know the most (those delivering and receiving care and leading services), making them fair, accessible and inclusive for all. This graphic posted by the new #SolvingTogether LinkedIn account shows the roadmap that #SolvingTogether works on to help bring about change. I personally love the little dragon!

Please do follow us to find out the latest challenges on the platform and how you can get involved. Click here to visit the Solving Together platform to register and see even more!
The School for Change Agents
Thanks Dr Damara for sharing your reflections on undertaking the School For Change Agents. I completely agree, School resonated with me and empowered me to be able to affect change and stay resilient and bring even more change agents to the forefront. Readers you have until 22nd January 2023 to enrol for #S4CA. Get ready, get set and GO! Click here to sign up!
Want to expand your learning on the School For Change Agents? Yes? Well you’re in luck, as the team behind #S4CA have just launched series 2 of the Agents Assemble Podcast!
The podcasts delve “behind the scenes” and you can experience some real thought provoking discussions with some leading experts on topics that feature in The School .
This new episode features Co – Author of School, Kathryn Perera – tune in to hear her amazing insights as she shares her change agent journey. If the trailer in this tweet is anything to go by, it’s a must listen!
You can tune in via the link.
Our network of change agents is growing rapidly and we couldn’t be more pleased, please keep in touch using the #S4CA hashtag via socials, we want to hear your application of theory into practise and those lightbulb moments! 💡
Horizons Highlights
Horizons loves a sketch note and on #WorldSketchnoteDay, Bev Matthews did not disappoint with this fan favourite colourful graphic on top tips for mentoring curated by Horizons very own Leigh Kendall.
In typical mentoring, a mentor influences the personal and professional growth of a mentee. However you can also engage in reverse mentoring which is where a junior employee can engage with senior leaders within an organisation, and the objective of this is primarily to enable leaders and senior managers to stay in touch with their organisations and the ‘outside world’. Anyone can be a mentor, but some characteristics to make a great mentor can be found in this fab Sketch note. If you are interested in engaging with mentoring, reach out to your organisations learning and development team.
You can also read more in Bev’s blog on top tips for mentoring here!
This graphic was too good not to share! Helen and the team at Horizons often facilitate workshops in which people are brought together to share ideas on how to move projects forward. The theme for these events are inclusive and diverse, the ‘HIPPO’s’ aren’t the only opinions that count, and I couldn’t agree more. By creating safe spaces to have open dialogue we can often produce multiple ideas to test that have been co-produced and empowered by a whole team.
Top picks from the world of improvements
The 11th January saw the Royal Society of Medicine host the #TacklingInequalities conference. So much learning has been shared via socials, but first I felt it was important to understand what health equity means in order for us to understand the problem at hand. Its about having fair opportunities to live a longer, healthy life. The term ‘health inequalities’ is generally understood to mean differences in health status between different population groups that are unfair and avoidable. These health inequalities are rooted in current and past disparities in wealth, power and resources for health and differential exposure to health damaging environments and risks.
Josie O’Heney captured a powerful message from the conference that health inequalities is something we should all be talking about…
Subjects such as tackling health inequalities can sometimes feel like such a heavy weight, where do you even start? How can you get involved? But I wanted to provide you with a local community example of the difference one person can make in their community. British Sikh Nurses very own Rohit Sagoo, was a guest speaker for the Florence Nightingale Foundation, this week. He presented ‘Nursing outside the box’ where he discussed his incredible community work that his organisation undertakes to bridge the gap between the NHS and South Asian communities. By applying such grass root initiatives and educating through multiple platforms, Rohit and his team have managed to tackle inequalities beyond acute care and harder to reach communities.
Together we can #NarrowTheGap. 💙
And finally…
I loved this tweet by @ActionHappiness this week, a daily reminder of the importance of never underestimating your small scale changes, they maybe a drop in the ocean, but a drop in the ocean can cause many ripples that lead to further change. Isn’t that a warming thought?
Thank you for reading this edition of Socials of the Week. Have an amazing week everyone, and don’t forget if you would like to be featured in the next edition and showcase your amazing work and improvement insights – drop us a DM on our Horizons NHS socials!
See you soon. 😊
Be sure to follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, as well as Twitter so that you can keep up to date with our posts!