Socials of the Week 17 October, 2022

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Socials of the week, brought to you by NHS Horizons.
I’m Anisah Majothi a Project Officer at Horizons; this week I’ve gathered some of NHS Horizons teams top picks from social media from the world of improvement across health and care. If you’re interested in learning what improvement, wellbeing and health and care resources are available, you’re in the right place.
This edition contains updates on The School for Change Agents, @DianeKetley’s work on Leading the Spread and Adoption of Improvement and upcoming events and new findings in the world of quality improvement.
I hope you enjoy this week’s edition of Socials of the Week, happy reading!
Top Tip: To read an article or watch a video mentioned in a post, click on the blue text. To view the original post, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents!
Did you hear the news? The School for Change Agents is back! It has been wonderful to see the #S4CA community’s enthusiasm about the return of the School, we can’t wait until 7th November (when the course starts).
Sign up to The School for Change Agents now by clicking here and start your journey on becoming a change agent today!
Horizons Highlights
Following the publication of novel research on digital inclusion, Bola Akinwale has written a blog where she reflects on how the NHS and wider organisations can reduce digital inclusion and #NarrowTheGap in healthcare inequalities.
Click here to read Bola’s blog and find out more. Thank you @BevMatthewsRN for sharing this useful point from the blog.
Today is the last day to submit your applications for the Lived Experience Partner roles with NHS Horizons. Please see the link in the tweet below for more details!
Are you interested in learning how the seven spread & adoption principles work in practice? 🧐
NHS Horizons’ very own @DianeKetley has written a blog where she and @SladenJoe from @WessexAHSN reflect on leading the national FeNO spread programme through the lens of the seven principles! Click here to read the blog.
If you’d like to find out more about Leading Spread and Adoption, you can read @DianeKetley’s guide by clicking here.
Thank you to @WessexAHSN for their support with this blog!
Top picks from the world of improvement
Here is a brilliant piece by @traffyaston on Outputs vs Outcomes. With so much confusion about this in the world of change, Tom says don’t try to have a unified definition of distinctions between outputs & outcomes, instead take account of a range of wider factors. Read more by clicking on the link in the tweet below.
Learn about the ‘Six key lessons from the NHS and Virginia Mason Institute partnership’ in @DrNicolaBurgess article. Nicola summarises the key lessons from the evaluation report for health and care leaders looking to build a systematic approach to QI. Read the article by clicking on the link in the post below!

Following on from the previous post, on Wednesday 19th October, #QIHour is partnering with @WarwickBSchool and @DrNicolaBurgess for a tweet chat focusing on ‘How to build improvement capabilities and foster a culture of improvement’.
More details are in the tweet below.
And finally….
October 14th was #AHPsDay2022, thank you to all Allied Health Professionals for the amazing work you do to support people who receive care, our organisation and health care systems all around the world!
Thank you for reading this week’s edition of Socials of the Week. Have a fantastic day!
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