Win a 1-1 session with Diane Ketley to help you increase the spread & adoption of innovation & improvement
Are you wanting to increase the spread and adoption of innovation and improvements?
The recently published NHS England and Improvement publication, produced by NHS Horizons Leading the Spread and Adoption of Innovation and Improvement: A Practical Guide, offers a wealth of practical advice.
At the recent webinar about the Guide, I offered a 1-1 session with me. You don’t need to have attended the webinar to apply for the opportunity, however – anyone who would like to increase the spread and adoption of innovation and improvements is welcome to apply.
If you would like to apply, please send an email to by Friday 3 December 2021 stating how you have, or plan to, use this Guide to increase the spread and adoption of innovation and improvement. A couple of sentences is all that is necessary.
There will be a random draw and announcement week commencing 6 December 2021.