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Driver diagram (tool) Driver diagrams are structured charts of three or more levels. They translate a high level improvement goal/aim […]
Statistical process control (tool) Statistical process control (SPC) is an analytical technique that plots data over time. It helps us […]
Experience-based codesign (method) Experience-based codesign (EBCD) is a method for people who work at the point of care and service […]
Five S (tool) 5S is a visual system for improvement that helps create and maintain an organised, clean, high performance […]
Value stream mapping (method) Value stream mapping (VSM) allows us to create a detailed visualisation of all steps in our […]
Appreciative Inquiry (methodology) Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a way of looking at organisational or system change that focuses on doing […]
Prosci ADKAR (method) The ADKAR model is a five stage model of change. It’s built on the premise that large […]
Eight types of waste (tool) In a health and care context, value is a combination of what is valued by […]
With Chris Dzitiki, Guy Dickson, Katie Egan, Dr Andrew Weyman
With Claire Parker, Michelle Maloney, Professor Sharon Clarke and Nikki Squelch
With John Drew, Wazir Muhammad, Dr Guy Harrison, Mark Appleby
With Radhika Nair, Professor Duncan Lewis, Dr Chris Turner