Socials of the Week 12th December, 2022
Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Socials of the week, brought to you by NHS Horizons.
I’m Nina Jaspal a Clinical Associate at NHS Horizons and a Cardiac Nurse by background. I’m so excited to be at the helm of this edition of Socials of the Week!
I’ve gathered some of the top picks from social media from the world of improvement across health and care, so you don’t have to. If you’re looking to learn about the latest in improvement, the learning from recent events and health and care resources, you’re in the right place!
This edition contains updates on week 5 of the #S4CA (I can’t believe it’s week 5 already!) If you haven’t joined the School yet – don’t worry it’s not too late to still sign up, stay tuned and I will tell you how. It also includes some insights from the world of health and care improvement and useful resources to help you to lead in 7 simple steps.
I’ve loved gathering my top picks this week and I hope you enjoy them too. Happy reading!
Top Tip: To read an article or watch a video mentioned in a post, click on the blue text. To view the original post, click on the image).
The School for Change Agents
Week 5 of the #S4CA was launched last week! Week 5 includes how #SolvingTogether is used as a system convener to explore complex change. #SolvingTogether is made possible only with change agents like you!
You can find out about the #SolvingTogether journey in the post below.
If you’re interested in hearing more about #SolvingTogether, click here to sign up.
You can read more about systems convening in the blog by Diane and Madi linked below.
Congratulations to Aline who has completed the 5 week journey to unleash her inner change agent. We are so proud of you too!
It is so wonderful to see the support and love for School as some people are coming to the end of their journey, or is it just the beginning! Thank you to everyone who is sharing their insights with us via socials.
A reminder of the importance of listening to everyone and embracing diverse thinking. Take note leaders, continue to question and challenge and lets never consider ourselves finished learning. Thanks Giles!
There’s nothing like a surprise reunion! School Alumni’s Jason and Lawrence bumped into founder of the #S4CA Helen Bevan at the IHI Forum! The proof is in the pudding – School is a global community 😀 Thanks Jason for sharing this brilliant selfie, and you heard it right folks, School is the place to be if you want to be a more effective change agent!
Click here to sign up to #S4CA!
Horizons Highlights
A special highlight from alumni Christina Harrison. Christina was a previous Clinical Associate for NHS Horizons; she is an Emergency Department Sister. Her recent tweets have certainly sparked interest! Have you heard about stay conversations? Staff retention is certainly a hot potato, you can read more by clicking here! Great initiative to facilitate early discussions with your staff members, maybe this could be they key to retaining our valuable workforce.
Making waves Christina, we are proud of you!
Helen shone the torch on the importance of creating distributed leadership and connections based upon the Virginia Mason Partnership with 5 UK trusts. This sketch note summaries the 6 key lessons we can all take away to ensure we foster a culture of continuous improvement.
Interesting right? You can read the full report by Dr Nicole Burgess here. Tweet us and let us know what you think!
Top picks from the world of improvements
This week’s edition just keeps getting better. NHS Horizons’ very own Helen Bevan attended the IHI forum featuring experts from the field, discussing how we can improve health and healthcare worldwide and she shared all the goods.
Reducing health inequalities is something we should all be working on together and Dr Naqvi of the NHS Race and Health Observatory couldn’t have put it any better! Let us all be on the path to equity.
If you want to find out more about the work of the NHS race and health observatory you can read their annual report here.
And finally…
It’s always so important to reflect back to truly see just how far we have come. Amanda Pritchard CEO of NHS England shared this heart-warming post about how the first Covid vaccine was administered two years ago. We at Horizons want to thank everyone working in health and care for their continued hard work!
Thank you for reading this week’s edition of Socials of the Week. We hope you feel inspired and ready to take on the new week! Have a fabulous one! Nina Jaspal 🙂
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