Socials of the Week 9th January, 2023

Hello and Happy New Year readers, welcome to the first edition of Socials of the week for 2023, brought to you by NHS Horizons.
I’m Nina Jaspal a Clinical Associate at NHS Horizons and a Cardiac Nurse by background. I’m so thrilled to be back, writing this edition of Socials of the Week, lets kick 2023 off with a bang!
If you’re looking to learn about the latest in improvement, upcoming events and health and care resources, you’re in the right place!
This edition contains updates on the #S4CA, highlights from the Horizons team, and insights from the world of health and care improvement.
It’s been a busy first week back in the socials of the week workshop, gathering the most insightful and inspiring posts from the world of improvement for you to enjoy! So grab a hot cuppa, find a nice spot and enjoy the read- no January blues here!
Top Tip: To read an article or watch a video mentioned in a post, click on the blue text. To view the original post, click on the image).
As the Christmas festivities come to an end, and big ben chimes for New Year, people start to shift their thinking on their goals and resolutions for the year ahead. I especially liked this creative tweet showcasing a template to plan your vision for the future. What would be your word of the year? Interesting thought, thanks for sharing @thepaedsnurse.
The School for Change Agents
This run of School is coming to an end, but its still not too late to join up to School! Readers you have until 22nd January 2023 to enrol for #S4CA. Click here to sign up!

The connections and sense of community built via our platform is stronger than ever, please keep in touch using the #S4CA hashtag via socials, we want to hear your application of theory into practise and those lightbulb moments! 💡
Congratulations to Horizons very own Elaine King and to everyone who has completed this run of the School for Change Agents! As mentors we love School as much as the participants who complete School for the first or the fifth time! If you have completed School please don’t forget to share your success with us via socials, keep them coming everyone and tag us using #S4CA. We’re so excited to celebrate with you!
Also adding in my tweet here because I loved this years run of #S4CA, and being the author of this blog I executively decided it made the cut! 😛 Loved completing my second run of School and this was my take away from week 5. Isn’t it incredible knowing that we can find leverage points to effect change by targeting those things below the waterline? I would love to hear your take away messages Change Agents – tag me in your reflections on socials. 🤩
Already can’t wait to do it again, you really do never stop learning!
Horizons Highlights
If you know Horizons, then you know we love a colourful graphic and Horizons Helen Bevan always delivers the goods, come what may! Communication within any job is so vital and it has been shown to increase productivity and is essential in maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of any organisation. Employers who invest time and energy into delivering clear lines of communication will rapidly build trust among employees, and employees who communicate effectively are always valuable assets to an organisation.
This graphic shared by Helen gives us 10 top tips on how we can have better conversations, a point that resonated with me is active listening, we are more in tune with people when we listen.
Really enjoyed this tweet and article by Svyatoslav Biryulin a strategist and futurist showcasing the difference between forecasting and foresight, perhaps this could be one for New Years resolutions. The article goes into detail and compares the two, forecast is an attempt to answer the question “what will happen tomorrow?” foresight practitioners help organisations find an answer to another question: “What future would we like to have?”. The future is not predictable, but it is creatable. Very interesting concepts and Helens graphic gives us some pointers on how we can shift our thinking to looking though a foresight lens.
Helen also shared this great tweet this week, which focuses on performance improvement and the need for an intentional focus on health inequalities to ensure healthy equity for all improvement initiatives. The infographic shared, shows some good considerations to be mindful of at each stage when making an improvement, the IHI article attached in the link is a great read which really focuses on the here and now of having a proactive application of an equity lens — i.e., incorporating the qualitative and quantitative socioeconomic conditions of patients to improve processes and outcomes to advance quality care. There has never been a better time to ensure we build equity into improvement.
Top picks from the world of improvements
Dr Tammy Watchorn will be joined by a panel of experts across the allied health professional field to discuss her new book, an interactive adventure for leading change. Calling all change agents, save the date Wednesday 18th January 8pm-9pm, this ones not to be missed!
Sticking with the theme of NY resolutions and goal setting, I loved this tweet Shared by Robbie. When setting goals make sure you are SMART setter. Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life. Being specific in setting goals allows for focused goal setting, ask yourself the 5 W’s.
- What do I want to accomplish?
- Why is this goal important?
- Who is involved?
- Where is it located?
- Which resources or limits are involved?
Improvement is not all about the large scale, shiny and brand new innovations, to me its about fostering a culture of continuous improvement and facilitating others through change, and that’s why small tests of change can never be underestimated. We need to give people time to adapt and embrace change, give them an opportunity to feedback, and ensure we acknowledge and make adjustments where necessary and perhaps the most important factor of having a testing phase, is picking up any unintended consequences. Speaking from experience when looking to effect change that impacts more than just your area, quality impact assessments can be a great tool to assess risk and provide mitigations. Thanks @Sonia_Sparkles for sharing your infographic on the importance of running small scale testing when making quality improvements.
And finally…
My parting thoughts had to include this tweet by @CuriousBecks all about the Japanese term Ikigai which has no direct English translation. Its a term that embodies the idea of happiness in living or a reason for being. Essentially, ikigai is the reason why you get up in the morning. What is your reason for getting up in the morning? Its important to remember to be kind to ourselves and make time for the things that provide us with happiness and contentment and on that note I will leave you to ponder your #2023Intentions.
Thank you for reading the first edition of Socials of the Week for 2023. Have a fabulous week everyone! See you soon! 😊
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