Moving to Action: Spreading and Scaling Change Session at Expo 2019
Ninety people in a room for 60 minutes, what magic can be created!
On Wednesday, Helen Bevan (@helenbevan), Ian Baines (@ihbaines), Claire Roche (@claireroche19) and myself (@dianeketley) shared the NHS Horizons emerging insights on spread at a theatre session at Expo 2019 ‘Moving to action: new era thinking on spreading and scaling change’.
The jam-packed session included presentation of seven interconnected principles to increase the likelihood of the spread of innovations, synthesised from publications and experience.
Leadership, value, and networks resonated most with the audience.
Leadership is having an outward mindset rather than an inward mindset, and dispersed through the system.
Value is being about what others will value, rather than about the innovation you want to spread.
Networks to build communities, to energise and to connect individuals to enable spread.
In conversation, Ian and Claire reflected on how these principles apply in real life using the spread of the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST) falls framework.
Using Slido and a co-coaching approach participants offered Claire one piece of advice to inform her spread plans for the WAST falls framework. The offers were numerous and insightful.
The model of system convening was then offered as a way of applying these principles in practice.
Claire and Ian reflected on the system convening model and the need for both programme management and system convening. A system convening approach is needed when initiatives are complex and interdependent such as for the WAST falls framework.
Participant reflections on system convening included:
‘”We don’t spend enough time on the convening activities… and wonder why we can’t progress delivery through a PM (programme management) approach ….when we haven’t won hearts and minds’
There was lots of active tweeting using #nhsspread.
If you would like to find out more, you can read the slides from the session.
The feedback during and following the session will inform our publication on spread due in early 2020.
To find out more and to follow our emerging thinking follow #nhsspread and check out NHS Horizons blogs.